Trainings & Seminars
The Continuum of Healing : Hypnosis and Trance with Family Constellations
by Dr. Paul Carter and Anja Kern
The process of Hypnosis and Trance is a deep relaxation and
letting go of conscious control into a natural state of peace,
unlimited possibilities, creativity,freedom and unity.
Family constellation work shows how we unconsciously take over grief,
guilt and pain from our ancestors, and helps us find solutions
which bring love and order to our lives.
This extraordinary seminar joins these two therapeutic approaches
in a flowing way.We shall have the opportunity to deepen and
to refine in trance the solution-pictures that come from the family constellations,
creating a deeper level of healing integration. At the same time it
is possible to take pictures and situations which emerge

in trance and dreams and integrate them through family constellations.

We shall work with movement, role plays and lucid dreaming with the
intention to heal our relationships with our ancestors and
the people of our life today , in order to set free the love,
powers, joy and creativity of everyone of us.
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Trance and Healing
Sacred Loving Seminars
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